Seiska Magazine: Welcome to The Iceman’s Cave

Kimi about Jenni, money and children. Seiska asked Kimi Räikkönen 77 questions in his home in Porkkala. Are you nervous when going back to F1? Not at all. I wouldn’t have come back if I wouldn’t have liked to. I’m sure it’s going to be fun this season. What kind of chances of success doContinue reading “Seiska Magazine: Welcome to The Iceman’s Cave”

Seiska’s reporter tells: This is what Kimi Räikkönen is like for real!

Seiska’s reporter Panu Hörkkö visited Kimi Räikkönen at his home and he was surprised – positively. When I drove on Feb 3rd from Helsinki to Kimi Räikkönen’s villa in Porkkala I had butterflies in my stomach. I had actually had them ever since the night before and Kimi even visited in my few hours dreamContinue reading “Seiska’s reporter tells: This is what Kimi Räikkönen is like for real!”